Monday, May 25, 2009

What's a mom to do?

It starts out like this,
an innocent switch from the cute girly swimsuit with a skirt on it to Campbells boy swimsuit with big sharks all over it.

Then she cries until I help her get the "spongebob" shoes on, so I do it.

You throw a little water into the mix and she figures "hey, this just isn't safe"

Soooo we bust out the floaties, but still, something is missing....

There we go, that's better! Have you ever seen a happier girl?

I swear people, she did this all on her own, I had nothing to do with it. In case you dont believe me I will show you one more thing she did all on her own;

This one goes out to all the other moms out there who are blessed with one sweet precious little girl, who happens to be a tomboy.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The one reason I like the heat

I'll admit it. I am a water park junkie! I love the splashpads around here, they are popping up everywhere in St.George. (I am still waiting for the Hurricane splashpad) This one is a really cute one right in the middle of town by the new library. It has a really shallow river for the kids to play in and an old fashion candy store right across the street-the real reason its our current favorite!
Here are the boys being super brave standing right in the middle of the fountain!

So there is the awesome river and a nice big water fountain for the kids to play in but they spent a good portion of their time here in this weird little planter thing. We aren't really sure what it's for but it had little canals running beween each row and the kids love walking up and down them!

Another great thing about St. George, we don't even need towels because the second you step out of the water you are dry and if you need a little boost just lay down on the hot cement!

I just had to give a shout out to Jackson who also LOVES water parks but can usually be found dry off to the side somewhere. I take that back I guess he does usually get in for the last 10 minutes of our 4-5 hour day at the park!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Here is Chloe about 2 hours after her surgery. She was in pretty good spirits, she even stopped sucking on her popscicle for a minute to pose for this picture! We were only in the hospital a total of 3 hours and we were only away from Chloe for about 30 minutes. It really went a lot smoother then I expected. Before they wheeled her away from us she had a little of that happy juice that Lindsay talked about in her famous drunken midget post! So she was fine with leaving but she was a little ticked when she woke up and didn't know where she was or have her mom and dad. Everytime a nurse would walk in the room she would start to cry again but as soon as we left the hospital she was fine.

We made her a little bed on the couch so she could lay there with her popscicles and sippy cups and watch movies, she was in heaven. She has had a great recovery and has only had 2 bad days, the rest were a breeze! I was able to snap a pre surgery photo of her tonsils for all of you who ask why someone needs to have their tonsils out. Its a little gross, just warning you.

The DR also cleaned a bunch of wax out of her ears while she was out. I wish I had a picture of that to share! I told Billy I was going to ask them to save it for me so I could see how much was in there but he wouldn't let me, party pooper!