Friday, June 11, 2010



My sweet little Chloe turned 4 this past Tuesday! I can't even believe it, she is going to school in one more year?? We decided to have a little girls only party this year and it was tons of fun. First we had arts and crafts time at Brushfire, our local pottery studio. Chloe made a lovely blue unicorn with red polka dots. She invited all her (southern) girl cousins and their moms, and of course her grandma Loni.

Brushfire is conveniently located a couple doors down from 25 Main, our favorite place to get cupcakes in town! So we headed up there and everyone picked their TWO favorite flavors to enjoy. (I got strawberry lemonade AND raspberry lemonade and I strongly recommend them both)

We finished up our girl day at Taylor Andrews where all the little girls got their toe nails painted hot pink with black zebra stripes. They turned out very cute, as you can see! We had such a fun time and I'm pretty sure Chloe felt very special on her big day!

We finished off the day at pirate pizza (this is Chloe we're talking about, she's not your typical girly girl)with the family. I snapped this picture on our way out and realized that she is definitely growing up way to fast.
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  1. That is too cute! What a fun girly party. I look forward to doing stuff like that with Mataya:)

  2. I'm so glad you had kids way before me so that I can copy all of your ideas. Chloe is adorable!!

  3. I am pretty sure I was there too! And it was fun!! :)

  4. oh man Karen sorry about that, you were the life of the party! I was posting this while balancing Campbell on one knee and trying to keep his hands away from the keyboard.

  5. What a fun party! Chloe is so adorable. Happy 4th Birthday to Chloe!

  6. Why are you sorry to Karen? I only got ONE cupcake!!! I was not informed of the option for two, you should be sorry to me! j/k, way fun party, good job!

  7. Okay Jamie, you throw a killer Birthday party...Well done. Happy #4 to Chloe
