Friday, November 25, 2011

In case you didn't get enough of New York...

(WARNING: THERE WILL BE AN EXCESSIVE USE OF EXCLAMATION POINTS IN THIS POST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I can finally say I LOVE NY and mean it!!  We had so much fun on our little trip to NYC.  I didn't really want to do these in a slide show but I dont know how to get the pictures off of shutterfly onto my computer. (anyone know how?)  SO I will do it like this and write the comments here all together :-)  We did A LOT of stuff and took a lot of pictures so I decided the best way would be to do 4 seperate posts of the 4 days we were gone.  Really we were gone 5 days but we didn't take pictures of each other being majorly sick on the way home from the horrible turbulence on the flight.  Who wants pictures of the end of a vacation anyway?

1.  Karen waiting to catch our flight to Maryland, where we had a little layover.  We had to be to the airport at 4:30 in the morning, waaaaay to early but so worth it!  We couldn't sleep anyway we were so excited!

2. My memory fails me on this one, big surprise.  I think this is when we were having a little lunch waiting for our flight into NYC!!!  One thing I am sure of, this is definitely Joni and Karen!

3. Unfortunately, mom was on a different flight than us but being the wonderful daughters that we are we waited in the airport for her so we could all ride in together.   I even made her a little sign with her last name on it while we waited!  It seemed like we were there for 9 hours but I'm sure it wasn't really that long.  Anywho, once she got there we went to get a cab, hello massive line!  So we called a driver, it was only ten bucks more but we did have to wait 30 more minutes for him to get there.  Maybe we could have got a cab by then but who cares, WE WERE IN NYC!!!

4.  oh, oopsie, this ones actually out of order.  We hide to ride a bus around the airport to get to the terminal mom was coming in on so we took a picture of it.  It wasn't really all that exciting but it was our first bus in New York!  Oh my goodness, I just realized that is not what this picture is.  Pretend you never saw this one.

5.  Here is our first meal in New York.  I really can't remember what time it was, it felt really late though.  I would guess 9:00 at night, luckily we weren't in St. George or everything would have been closed down by then.  We had some good stirfry and a warm bottle of soda.  While we were eating someone had the brillant idea that we should have a peice of cheesecake everywhere we ate so we could say which one was our favorite.  Wesent Joni up to buy it and we let the guy talk us into trying something called napolean or something like that.  Dissappointment.  We didn't let that happen again.

6. After we ate we headed down to Times Square (or Time Square if you're Codee).  I must confess that when we first walked out of our hotel we did head the wrong way for a couple of blocks, not bad, it only took us a couple of blocks to figure out.  As soon as we could see all the lights we decided to take a picture.   It was raining a little but we did not even care! 

7. A nice gentlemen came and offered to take a picture of all four of us.  We busted a guy getting in the back of our picture and had a good laugh with him and the photographer.  Im still not sure if they were in on it together, it was a little unclear!

8.  Close up!  Remember the rain, thats why our hair looks a little flat!

9-12.  We went into this awesome store there called aeropastle.  Just kidding, I know we have those in SG but we were looking for headbands and hats, we were unprepaired that night!  It did have a kid section and ours doesn't so there!  Anyway, we were a little tired and excited and took these pictures of each other.  Karens is totally my favorite! 

13.  The picture says it all!

14.  The whopper bar, we took this one for Trevor but I'm pretty sure he doesn't read my blog so whatevs.

15.  Here I am exhausted in our cute, cute, cute hotel room.  No I am not pregnant so you dont need to ask.  The room was small and the bathroom was tiny but look at that adorable wall behind me.  Not that the hotel matters much, we were so tired everynight we could have probably just slept out on the street.  It continued to rain harder and harder that night and considering we had a twenty minute walk back to the hotel, we were pretty wet and freezing when we got back but once again, WHO CARES, WE WERE IN NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!!!!

Let me just add a few extra comments that dont have a picture to go with them.  This trip has been a long time coming!  I still cant believe we pulled it off.  I guessI actually do have a picture of Joni jumping in the air right after we bought our tickets back in July.. I think we all shared the same feelings.  Then we had to wait a little while to save up some more funds and get our hotel.  Mom bought her tickets and we had a little meeting at her house one sunday night to pick the hotel.  SO FUN! Soon after we bought our wicked tickets and our rockette tickets.  Then we had one last formal planning meeting, we all went out to dinner and made plans while we ate cupcakes at sweet toothfairy.  We went to the bookstore and bought maps and tried to make plans.  There might have been a few clothes shopping trips mixed in there somewhere.  Anyway I honestly almost cried on several occasions because I was so exited and I really couldn't believe that I was going to be in NYC!!!  These little episodes just got closer and closer the closer the trip got or the closer the plane  got!  I remember the feeling I had in picture 6 when we first recognized Times square.  It was that excitment that makes you feel like your throat has closed off and you almost cant breathe!  It was unbelieveable and I hope I can go there soon with Billy and share all the fun with him.  I am so thankful that I was able to go and especially with some of my favorite people in the whole world!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I cant even come up with a title for this

These are some seriously random pictures.  I havn't been a good blogger lately so I had to get a few of these up that I don't want to miss. I dont think I posted this picture of Chloe and Cam yet but I'm not really sure.  It was Campbells first day of preschool.  I mostly wanted to post it to help me remember how close in size and looks these two are.  It's like having another set of twins!  They are also such good friends!  It is so cute, they really miss each other when one is gone.  They play so good together and I love how close they are.  I think it would be fun if they were closer in school but I am not ready for Cam to be in Kindergarten next year so it's ok i guess!

Well, you can pretty much see why I posted this one.  I love this little stink bug, who started crawling today by the way! 

A while ago on a Sunday afternoon we had Eric, Karen, Joni and Codee all over for a big family bikeride!  It was so fun, we didn't get to go very far but it was still fun and I think the kids had lots of fun.  I meant to take more pictures but this is pretty much it!

Here is our crew on Halloween night.  (I just noticed that only half of Chloe made it in the shot)  There was a whole mess of kids there and I wouoldn't have it any other way.

I really didn't want to forget this.  We have been going to this really cute neighborhood to trick or treat for the past few years and it is awesome!  It is a cute neighborhood anyway with big trees lining the streets and little white fences but they are all decorated for halloween too!  One house is always playing loud halloween music and someone usually has a haunted house and there are tons of kids, which I love. This year they had a HEADLESS HORSEMAN!!!!!!  It was so awesome, the kids loved it but not as much as I did! 

These are my cute little bumblebees!

Oh hey, how did they get in here twice?

The weekend before halloween we had a visit from Dylan! Aaron and Abbi were here too but I didn't get any pictures of them!  Its hard to tell by their size but Dylan is actually the younger cousin!  He is such a cute chubby little man and it was fun having them all here for the night!
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Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Ninja Turtle!

I am a horrible blogger.  I know.  I have a lot of catching up to do but I had to skip ahead and say Happy Birthday to my little happy buddy!  He gladly reused the ninja turtle costume this year.  He was a pretty cute ninja turtle too!  It's hard to compete with a 16 month old little girl being a ninja turtle but he held his own!

I LOVE that Cams birthday is on halloween however, it does cause a few problems.  I don't feel right about doing a pinata or treat bags and really even cake is to much!  This year he wanted pumpkin pie so we went for it, it worked out pretty good,

This is a cute bat he made for preschool but I LOVE this picture of my little funny boy.

Birthday morning!  Billy thought it would  be funny to put his big boy bike on the table and it was, he loved it. We took him for breakfast at McDonalds with his cute friend Mollie, I never take the kids in to play so he loved that.  The best part was that Billy took the day off so he got to be with his best buddy all day!

 Some stuff about Campbell at 4. 
He is so funny, like adult funny.
 He talks to EVERYONE, the walmart greeters LOVE him!
 He squeals, alot.  When Billy gets home he squeals Da-dy, he squeals for Claire and he just squeals for no reason.
 He rides his bike with no training wheels like he's been doing it for years. He learned on the tiny bike and was awesome on it. I was hesitant to get him a bigger one then 2 days before his birthday I ran over the tiny one so it made the decision pretty easy.
 He loves charleston chews and wants Billy to bring him some everyday.
 He goes to preschool and really loves it.
 He sleeps on bear bear (a fake bear skin thing) and uses his cozy everynight. (a halloween blanket he got last year from gramma loni)
 He still loves to get in bed with me and Billy in the middle of the night and he moves around like crazy.  He is pretty stubborn in his sleep too, I push him away from me and he instantly moves back to where he was.
 He has a great imagination and plays more make believe type games than any of my other kids.
 He loves to block you in the closet or whereever and make you guess the password (usually kitty or waddles waddles waddles).
 He really wants the baby alive doll that drinks a sippy cup and goes poo.(?)
 He is really into firecops, I'm not sure if he knows it's actually two seperate things but either way he loves them.
My most favorite, he gives me a big hug EVERY morning when he gets out of bed!! Chloe told me one time he didn't want to get out of bed because he didn't want to give me a hug but I dont believe it.
 I know there are tons more things, I'll add them when I think of them.
 I love these sweet little boy with all my heart, he makes me laugh and smile everyday. He is a genuinely happy kid and I love that about him! 
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