Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A baptism, a blessing, and a few pregnant ladies...

We had a seriously exciting/exhausting weekend about a week and a half ago. Carter and Cooper were baptised (early) Saturday morning. We had lots of family and friends there, not to mention donuts and chocolate milk after! The next morning (even earlier) we went to Zoe's baby blessing. (That is Billys sister Emilee and her husband TJ's baby, in case anyone doesn't know that) It doesn't really sound like the makings of an exhausting weekend but it was. Maybe it's the pregnancy or that we decided to go to a football game friday night, I don't know but it wore me right out. It was worth it though, you can always catch up on sleep later! I wish we would have gotten a few group pictures of everyone but we didn't so here is what we did get!

Somehow I didn't get any pictures of Zoe, duh. SO I thought I would include this awesome one where Billy decided to cut her head off for some reason! If you want to see how adorable she really is you can click on Emilee and TJ's link to the right. This is actually the pregnant lady picture, or recently pregnant. I am the furthest along, Melissa is 6 weeks behind me, and Debbie is 6 weeks behind her! Okay I guess Emilee is actually the furthest along because she obviously had her baby already but we threw her in the picture to remind the rest of us what the end result is!

Needless to say we had lots of good food over the weekend, this was by far Campbells favorite part! A brownie with whip cream piled high on top!

Here are my four (for now) sweet children. I am so proud of Carter and Cooper, they are WONDERFUL big brothers and great examples to all of us. I want to share a quick story that happened after the boys got baptised because I think it is super cute! A few months ago Cooper and his friend (name withheld!) got in major trouble for killing a bird that they found. I hate to assume things but from the little bit of eavesdropping I did, it sounded more like a torturing. This is not the cute part by the way. I tried to take advantage of the opportunity to teach my boys about taking care of and loving all of Heavenly Fathers creations. (Except spiders and snakes, or anything gross or harmful) Anyway after the baptism, I was in the bathroom helping the boys change and Cooper looked at me and said, "Mom, finally I don't have to feel bad about that bird that we killed." Silly Mom starts to cry. ( and might be getting misty just retelling the story) I just loved knowing that he really understood what it meant to be baptised. You know how it goes, you teach your kids things and wonder if they get it. Then when they prove that they do get it, it blows your mind! Anyway, sweet boys, I couldn't imagine loving my children anymore!
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Carter, Billy, and Cooper. I'm not usually one to share my feelings on my blog, don't know why, it's just not me I guess but I just need to say that I am so grateful for my lovely family. I couldn't ask for a better husband, he is such a fantastic father and really takes care of me and the kids. Everyday when he gets home from work the kids all start yelling and run over to give him a huge hug! Seriously, everyday. If that doesn't tell you something I don't know what does. I am so excited to have a new baby in our family. I am only 24 weeks but I feel huge and extremely uncomfortable already. It doesn't matter though, I LOVE being pregnant and the thought of having a new baby makes me smile a thousand times a day. Sometimes I feel like wowzers, 5 kids is a lot, can I do it? But I know I can because this is really what I love doing, I love being a mom and staying home with these sweet little children! Okay enough of that business, let me just blame all this extra feeling and emotion on the pregnancy! Thanks for listening, if anyone did!


  1. I'm not even pregnant and this made me cry:) I love what Cooper said! So sad we missed all the festivities what a special time.

  2. Jamie,
    You are such a sweetheart! I love your little family! That made me tear up too :)
