Friday, October 30, 2009

Guess who's back....

Yep thats right, it's the incredibles! My friend Natalie had a halloween party this year so we decided to dust off the old super suits. Aaron happened to be in town so we busted out the cat in the hat costume for him and off we went!
Billy and Aaron busting a move to some backstreet boys!
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It was an awesome party with tons of yum food and activities and everyone had great costumes. We live in an awesome ward with so many fun people, I hope it stays this way for a long long time!! Most importantly, we won the golden toilet seat. What's that you ask?? It's the best costume awad of course!! We are already working on next years ideas! Happy Halloween!


  1. That's awesome, you guys look great. I would've loved to see them singing to Backstreet Boys:)

  2. Those boots were awesome! Move over sista, I'm winning next year.

  3. how "SUPER" awesome... love it! glad you both won!
