Monday, May 10, 2010

One day last week Carter casually made a comment to Billy that he could eat more packs of oatmeal than Billy could. I don't think Carter realized that those were fightin' words as far as Billy was concerned. The next night we headed off to Walmart and this is what we came home with.

Round 1, we had 3 rounds but I only got pictures of this one because I got put on oatmeal making duty.

The damage.

Carter and Cooper were the champs, only because Billy caved at the last minute and let them be a team! The individual pack totals were; Billy 8, Cooper 6, Carter 3. Carter really did not pull his own weight, considering he started the whole thing. Cooper was hilarious, he had some serious determination. It took him about 30 minutes to finish that last pack and I even had to spoon feed him the last 4 bites but dang it, he did not give up!! (I love that he is holding his stomach in this pic!)
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  1. I love this! So is this how I need to get my kids to eat Oatmeal??

  2. Holy crap, that is ALOT of oatmeal. I can't believe Cooper!! The boys are getting so tall! Can't wait to see you this weekend :-)
