Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Ninja Turtle!

I am a horrible blogger.  I know.  I have a lot of catching up to do but I had to skip ahead and say Happy Birthday to my little happy buddy!  He gladly reused the ninja turtle costume this year.  He was a pretty cute ninja turtle too!  It's hard to compete with a 16 month old little girl being a ninja turtle but he held his own!

I LOVE that Cams birthday is on halloween however, it does cause a few problems.  I don't feel right about doing a pinata or treat bags and really even cake is to much!  This year he wanted pumpkin pie so we went for it, it worked out pretty good,

This is a cute bat he made for preschool but I LOVE this picture of my little funny boy.

Birthday morning!  Billy thought it would  be funny to put his big boy bike on the table and it was, he loved it. We took him for breakfast at McDonalds with his cute friend Mollie, I never take the kids in to play so he loved that.  The best part was that Billy took the day off so he got to be with his best buddy all day!

 Some stuff about Campbell at 4. 
He is so funny, like adult funny.
 He talks to EVERYONE, the walmart greeters LOVE him!
 He squeals, alot.  When Billy gets home he squeals Da-dy, he squeals for Claire and he just squeals for no reason.
 He rides his bike with no training wheels like he's been doing it for years. He learned on the tiny bike and was awesome on it. I was hesitant to get him a bigger one then 2 days before his birthday I ran over the tiny one so it made the decision pretty easy.
 He loves charleston chews and wants Billy to bring him some everyday.
 He goes to preschool and really loves it.
 He sleeps on bear bear (a fake bear skin thing) and uses his cozy everynight. (a halloween blanket he got last year from gramma loni)
 He still loves to get in bed with me and Billy in the middle of the night and he moves around like crazy.  He is pretty stubborn in his sleep too, I push him away from me and he instantly moves back to where he was.
 He has a great imagination and plays more make believe type games than any of my other kids.
 He loves to block you in the closet or whereever and make you guess the password (usually kitty or waddles waddles waddles).
 He really wants the baby alive doll that drinks a sippy cup and goes poo.(?)
 He is really into firecops, I'm not sure if he knows it's actually two seperate things but either way he loves them.
My most favorite, he gives me a big hug EVERY morning when he gets out of bed!! Chloe told me one time he didn't want to get out of bed because he didn't want to give me a hug but I dont believe it.
 I know there are tons more things, I'll add them when I think of them.
 I love these sweet little boy with all my heart, he makes me laugh and smile everyday. He is a genuinely happy kid and I love that about him! 
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  1. Ok, so this post made me cry! It was so sweet! Campbell is such a cute little fart! I can't believe how great he is on a 2 wheel bike. That is so amazing! Oh, and You ran over a bike?!?!

  2. Have you noticed how easy it is getting to make Karen cry? ;) That picture of him with the pumpkins is totally perfect...100% Campbell.
