Monday, February 2, 2009

Who says diamonds are a girls best friend???

'Cause I am pretty sure we can all agree that cupcakes are a WAY better friend than diamonds! And I don't think it's just the little girls either, I cant tell who was more excited Chloe or Joni!

Billy took the boys to a birthday party at Laser Mania on Saturday (which I regretfully don't have any pictures of) so Chloe, Campbell, and I hit up our favorite cupcake shop and splurged! I am not afraid to admit it, we had two each! These are not your ordinary cupcakes either, I imagine it was like eating four regular cupcakes. That was the day I told weight watchers to go to H...E...double hockey sticks. Anyway, it was a blast, Campbell attacked the cupcakes and I was pretty impressed how clean he stayed.

Chloe was a great big sister and let Campbell finish the last half of her first cupcake and then quickly asked for a new one. Joni, Jackson, and Karen met us there but they are cupcake wimps and only had one each-sissies!

When the party was all over we picked up the boys and did a little super bowl food shopping and headed home. Later that evening after Aaron and Debbie arrived we busted out the rock band and boy was Billy gettin' into the Bon Jovi. (Pictures coming soon!) So there it is my 2nd complete post, I couldn't be more proud of myself!


  1. I love the picture of Chloe sharing with Campbell, precious! Looks like so much fun- is this the same shop that Laura featured in one of her posts? Looks like a really fun place!

  2. Ha ha! Cupcakes are TOTALLY a more exciting friend! What (and where) is your favorite shop?

  3. 25 Main, no other cupcake shop exists as far as I am concerned! I hear you are a fan also!

  4. chloe is a girl after my own heart! so, why did all the cool places take up shop when we moved up here? a cupcake store, in n' out...whatever! notice the two places i am most concerned about serve food :)

  5. Yay!! Another cute cousin blogging! Eek, you have cute kids!

    I am so ticked I knew nothing of this 25 Main while I was in St. george? I am so baking cupcakes tonight!

