Wednesday, February 11, 2009

First Grade Love Letters

The boys are in first grade this year and one of my favorite things about it is all the letters they bring home. They always say "centers" is their favorite part of school and this is one of the centers they have. They get to write letters to anyone in their class and deliver them to each others cubby. They usually bring letters home that someone wrote them which is cute to see what their friends say to them. This letter is from a little girl that I fear both of the boys have the hots for (Cooper told Grandpa that Carter LOVES her!!) SO this was one of my favs for a while for obvious reasons but then in the past two weeks Cooper brought home these next two letters that are by far my new favorites, again for obvious reasons!

For those who don't read first grader here is the translation"Dear Cooper I am writing to myself. I love me. I am always winning video games. I ??? punching myself.

"Dear Cooper(notice that he misspelled his own name here) I am really exciting. Cooper"
*I also have an older letter from Carter to Cooper I will try to find it because it was way cute too!


  1. This is Allison... That is soo cute! That is funny what that letter said 'To Cooper from Cooper'! See you later, Jamie!
